The National Soluble Polymer Technology Development Center, established on June 10, has invited 35 prominent experts to be on its technical panel, with help from the Dalian Chemical Research and Design Institute. The experts come from 10 colleges and universities, including Tsinghua, Zhejiang, and Tianjin universities, and the Dalian University of Technology, as well as six research institutes, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Physical and Chemical Institute and Changchun Applied Chemistry Institute, and 11 production company representatives.
The center will begin work on the development of generic technologies for the industry, and provide a site for enterprises, universities and academic institutes to integrate technological developments. It will increase collaboration among these groups with the purpose of stimulating creativity in soluble polymers, and speeding up research and development, and technological development overall. The center will support the further application of new soluble polymer products and technologies in industries such as water treatment, oil exploitation, paper-making, mine-screening, food processing, textile, building materials and environmental protection.